Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sweet Potato Pie (Faux Pumpkin Pie!)

(Sorry about the rushed pictures, I really didn't want my aunt to gawk at me macro-ing the s**t out of my camera and pouncing around the slice of pie to get a 'decent picture'. I seriously need a better camera)

Wow I had a pretty amazing/intense work-out at the gym today. I ran for 50 minutes on the treadmill, just under 9km! And then I finished with an advanced pilates class and holy I'm going to feel it tomorrow...right now I'm at a Starbucks in Waikiki just enjoying the day by myself. I'm alone today so it's relaxing to walk the streets though I'm too tired now to do the shopping that I wanted to get done...darn!

About the recipe...yes, it is a pie recipe. A Fall season pie recipe....
I'm not necessarily welcoming Fall with open arms and a warm embrace, but I've been wanting to make a sweet potato pie (as I am not TOO fond of pumpkin pie) for a long time! And with September just around the corner...(*cries*)...why not now? It's super easy, and so very tasty. I love yams and sweet potatoes, and this recipe makes a very rich-tasting pie without all the fat and calories!

The only boo-boo I made with this pie is that I was supposed to buy the sweet potato with orange flesh (CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE DIFFERENCE IS IN THE NAME BECAUSE I ALWAYS BUY THE WRONG ONE!) but I ended up (again- must be the 3rd time now) with the sweet potato with the yellow flesh. There isn't anything wrong with the yellow-fleshed sweet potato, the flavor is very much similar, but the pie was supposed to be a show-stopping gorgeous orange colour. I titled it "Faux Pumpkin Pie" because the filling turned out to be slightly brown like pumpkin pie. So if you know your orange sweet potatoes from your yellow, do buy the orange ones. The colour on the pie will be amazing! And don't try telling me it's yam that I'm looking for because that's what I first thought about yam, but the yam flesh was yellow too. I seriously need to google this for future reference.

Oh, and because my aunt doesn't have a mixer I made this pie using her blender. Go me! :D

Sweet Potato Pie makes 1 pie, 8 slices
  • 1 unbaked 9" pie crust
  • 2 large sweet potatoes
  • 2 tbsp butter, room temperature
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar, packed
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/2 cup skim milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 cup walnuts, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
Boil the sweet potatoes for about 55 mins, or until soft. Under cool running water, peel the skin. Puree in a blender for 1 min, until smooth. Add butter, and mix well. Transfer mixture to a bowl.

Using an electric mixer, mix in sugar, eggs, cinnamon, nutmeg, milk, and vanilla until smooth. Pour into pie crust and bake at 350 degrees F for 55-60 mins, or until the filling is set. You can insert a knife into the center of the pie, if it comes out clean, it's done.

Sprinkle walnuts on pie and 1/4 cup brown sugar. Broil in oven until brown sugar is bubbly (watch carefully! you don't want to burn the sugar!).

Cool to set the filling for about 1/2 hour before cutting to serve! Enjoy!

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