Hey guys! It's almost October so I thought it was time to finally lay out this crazy idea on you. This is a 12-month (year long) experiment that I am conducting on myself. I came up with this idea during the summer. It may sound crazy, and I may be a little nuts, but
diets and basically different kinds of
foods just really interests me. Now before I explain, let us review that the word
diet does not necessarily mean 'an eating plan with restrictions in order to minimize calorie intake and lose WEIGHT'. No no...
diet, noun: the foods eaten, as by a particular person or group.
It's as simple as that.
I don't know why, but I've always been fascinated by the different types of diets out there that millions of different people follow, and the effects that it has on the body. Why do they do follow that specific diet? What effects does it have on your body; Your mood? Your energy levels? Metabolism? I'm about to find out!
Also, the cooking component REALLY appeals to me too! Did you know that in my free time (the time that swings by ever-so-rarely) I like walking in grocery stores and markets and just looking at the different kinds of produce there is!? LOL Yeah it's silly.
Okay. This experiment comes down to this, it's quite simple, and I hope that I can overcome the challenges that come with it and my body can take it till the end. I won't risk my health for it, so if there ever comes a time where it's harming me for some reason, I'll stop.
The 12-Month Diet Experiment:
I have done my research on a WHOLE list of diets that people follow in the world, whether culturally, ethically, or for the well-being of their body, and I have chosen 12 from the list.
I will follow and abide the rules and restrictions of a different diet per month. I will cook for myself following those rules and restrictions. I will only eat the foods allowed by that specific diet for the whole month.
While doing so, I will post those diet-friendly recipes that I find or like on this site so maybe you can try the foods out for yourself! The posts will probably not be regular, but hopefully I'll have enough time to post a recipe weekly.
Not only will there be recipes posted, I will be recording every single aspect and effect that it has on my body/mind. At the end of the month, I will do an overall summary of the toll it had on my body and a physical calculation as well. Loss or gain of weight?
I won't list the 12 I've chosen, but here's a teaser list of some of the ones I hope to be experimenting with.
- Raw Diet
- Gluten-Free
- Mayo Clinic
- Hollywood Cookie Diet
- Low-Carb
- Atkins (if I can get over my squeamish feelings of meat...I am curious though)
- Ballerina diet
So what will I be starting with in October? Well, it is a diet that I've been most curious about for the last couple months, and vaguely following it too! Now I'm excited to immerse myself into it completely and see what kinds of effects it will bring! October is...
Veganism Month.
vegan: a strict vegetarian who consumes no animals, dairy products, or any animal-byproducts. Also may refrain from using any animal products such as leather.
In a nutshell, they are not allowed to eat anything that comes from an animal. No meat, no eggs, no milk. We'll see how I do!
Currently reading: The Accidental Vegan by Devra Gartenstein
Note: If you guys wiki "list of diets" and go through the list, you'll be amazed at how many different kinds are out there. There are some REALLY crazy and outrageous ones too! I couldn't believe some of the ones I saw- and people actually follow them!