Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Best Chocolate Fudge Pie Ever (Will Rock Your Vegan World!)

Terrible picture, sorry! Took this with my phone and attempted to photoshop it to look better lol!

Oh my goodness, it's been too long! School has just been busy busy busy and dance has been busier busier busier, music classes have been difficult difficult difficult, and work on top of this has seriously exhausted me to the bone, and it's only the 2nd (or 3rd?) week into September! I'm actually frightened of how I will come out of this year. I've been getting 4 hours of sleep if not less every night, and instead of drinking water, it feels like coffee has replaced it. There was a Pro-d day yesterday and I spent all morning doing my homework, but in the evening I made this baby here!

I had no idea what to title this recipe made by Katie from I've tried many of her vegan recipes (they don't disappoint!) but this chocolate pie was truly a winner. I couldn't believe how sinfully delicious it was (rich, creamy, dark, chocolately...any kind of word to describe a great mousse-like pie!) and it was SO SO SO EASY! It takes 10 minutes from start to finish, I promise! I also couldn't believe what it was made of! Now, don't get grossed out- instead take it in with an open mind...and be curious! This pie is made of...


I know!! I have never made a dessert with tofu, but hey, there's a first for everything. I didn't know how versatile tofu really was, and how inexpensive it was! I see a future full of more tofu recipes :)

This pie was truly amazing! You can't taste the tofu at all, it's blended in very smoothly and as it chills in the refrigerator, the soy taste just vanishes into the chocolate. It just tastes like chocolate heaven after that!

Also, the calorie count on this thing. Compare it to a slice of Chocolate Mousse Pie at the Cheesecake Factory that weighs in at over 930 calories- a slice of this baby comes in at a skinny 143 calories per serving and 2.5 g of soy protein goodness!
And of course, if you aren't vegan you can use real milk!

Chocolate Fudge Pie serves 8
  • 1-9" graham crumb or pie crust* (optional)
  • 1 package (13 oz) silken/firm tofu
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp nondairy milk (almond, soy, rice, coconut, etc...or real milk!)
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp sugar or sweetener
  • 1 1/3 cup chocolate chips
Melt the chocolate chips over low heat on the stove or in the microwave! Combine all ingredients together (minus the pie crust if using) in a food processor (or blender) and process until very smooth. Pour into pie crust (if using) or a pie dish. Refrigerate until chilled!

Note: If you use silken tofu like I did, it turns out like a mousse pie, it will be firmer if you use the firm tofu.

Important: Some tofu that you purchase will require you to boil it for a minute to kill any bacteria that may be on it. Please look for this note in the package and follow accordingly!

*adjust calorie count with your purchased pie crust

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