Monday, October 31, 2011

Brownie Batter Pancakes & Insight into a new month!

sorry for the rushed pic, was on my way to work!

Warning: These pancakes are not for the faint-hearted!

I wish I had a Halloween post, but I've been sick all day (vomiting, sleeping, attempting to eat, and vomiting again...) and just never had the energy to get into a festive spirit.

So I bring you healthy chocolate pancakes from CCK that also happen to be vegan! These are single serving, and make about 6-7 silver-dollar pancakes. They're also only 130 calories per serving so you can have other breakfast goodies or go all-out on the toppings. For a healthier chocolate syrup, try whisking some cocoa powder with agave!

Brownie Batter Pancakes serves 1
  • 1/4 cup flour (I used whole wheat, though all-purpose probably will taste better)
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1-2 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 1/16 tsp salt
  • 1+ 1/2 tablespoon applesauce (or oil)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup + 1 tablespoon almond milk (or other nondairy)
Mix dry ingredients together, mix wet ingredients together, and combine the two! Perhaps add some mini chocolate chips? Make pancakes!

November month:
It's been quite a long October on this vegan diet and though it took some getting used to in the beginning it's pretty easy to live with. In some ways, it is pricier (nondairy milks are a lot more expensive...) but otherwise you don't have to purchase any of those "extras" such as yogurts or countless dairy containing products and goodies (muffins, cookies, etc). Oh and tofu's pretty cheap too. But cost-aside, I got to taste some vegan alternatives like SOY CHEESE and let me tell you, I did not like it at all haha! There's still half a block in my fridge for any grabbers out there! Being a vegan did make me feel hungrier most of the time, since all I was eating mostly veggies and lacking in the protein department when I didn't have my tofu or beans.

November: I'll be exploring a high-protein diet made by expert New York fitness coach, David Kirsch. He has worked with numbers of actresses and models such as Heidi Klum and Liv Tyler, and is well known for his quick methods of getting into shape! I read one of his books called "Sound Mind Sound Body" which consisted of a 6 week nutrition and work-out plan, which I followed loosely and actually lost about 10-12 lbs from! This guy knows what he's talking about! I'll be revisiting the high-protein diet in hopes of curbing hunger daily and effectively exercising. His work-out plans were always fun and they make you feel awesome. :) I'll be posting more info hopefully tomorrow when I get more time. For now, I'm off to bed to try and sleep this tummy ache off! Happy Halloween!

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